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About Course

Welcome to our transformative 12-weeks wellness and  weight loss program designed exclusively to help you lose weight and improve your lifestyle.  Our program combines expert guidance, personalized meal planning, comprehensive support, and a holistic approach to address the various factors that influence weight loss. Together, we’ll empower you to make lasting lifestyle changes, achieve your weight loss goals, and unlock the vibrant, confident, and healthy woman within you.


What Will You Learn?

  • Our program delves deeper into the core aspects of your well-being, focusing on areas such as digestion, supplements, exercise, lab tests, stress management, sleep, and emotional eating.

Course Content

Welcome !
Weight loss is not just about counting calories and hitting the gym. Our program delves deeper into the core aspects of your well-being, focusing on areas such as digestion, supplements, exercise, lab tests, stress management, sleep, and emotional eating.

  • Program Overview
  • Measuring Progress
  • Food Substitutes جدول البدائل
  • Basic Stress Relief
  • 5 Minutes Walk At Home

Recipe Videos and PDFs

Week 1 : Basics of Nutrition and Weight Loss
- Introduction to the program and goal-setting - Mindset and goal setting - Calorie deficit prinicples

Week 2: Meal Planning and Healthy Snacking
- Importance of meal planning for weight loss and digestion - Balanced meal composition with an emphasis on lean proteins, high-fiber carbohydrates, and healthy fats - Strategies for grocery shopping and selecting nutritious ingredients - Cooking techniques for healthier meal preparation - Mindful eating practices to improve digestion and prevent overeating - Understanding the Golden Trio - Importance of healthy snacking for weight management and blood sugar balance - Identifying nutrient-dense snack options and avoiding processed snacks

Week 3: Digestion, Constipation and IBS
- Understanding the gut microbiome and effect of food on gut. - Incorporating fibers for gut health and constipation. - Basic supplementation for gut support.

Week 4 : Lab tests For Weight Loss

Reflections and Feedback !

Week 5: Reflections on Lab tests
I suggest you watch these videos even if you don't have a condition, but for future knowledge

Eid ELAdha

Week 6 : Exercise and Active Lifestyle
- Incorporating regular physical activity for weight loss and overall health - Different types of exercise and their benefits for weight management - Creating an exercise plan that suits individual preferences and lifestyle - Strength training exercises for building lean muscle mass and boosting metabolism - Overcoming barriers to exercise and staying motivated

Week 7: Macros, Micros and Calories
Exploring macors, micronutrients, calories and tracking and much more

Lesson 8 : Weight Loss Meds and Surgeries
- Meds that maybe useful in weight loss.

Lesson 9 : Hormones : Insulin, Thyroid, PCOS
Understand the effects of insulin resistance, hypothyroidism and PCOS on weight gain.

Week 10 : Types of Hunger & Mindful Eating
- Exploring the connection between emotions, stress, and eating habits - Mindful eating techniques to enhance awareness of hunger and fullness cues - Portion control strategies for weight management - Identifying triggers for emotional eating and developing alternative coping mechanisms - Practicing gratitude and self-compassion as part of behavior change

Week 11 : Emotional Eating Strategies
- Understanding the connection between emotions, stress, and food choices - Developing strategies to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger - Cognitive-behavioral techniques for managing emotional eating - Building a support system and seeking professional help if needed - Self-monitoring and tracking progress to reinforce positive behavioral changes

Lesson 12 : Stress Management
Week 12: Sustainable Healthy Habits and Maintenance - Reflecting on progress and achievements throughout the program - Strategies for maintaining weight loss and healthy habits in the long term

What’s next >>>

Student Ratings & Reviews

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1 month ago
الحمد لله على نعمة وجودك في حياتنا .. وكل حد عايز يغير اسلوب حياته للافضل.
الكورس رائع ومتكامل ومتسلسل ورا بعض بشكل ممتاز.
اما الفيديوهات والويب سايت دول موسوعة علمية ومعلومات كتيرة وجديدة ومهمة لاي حد ، وفعلا كم استفادة مش طبيعي

اما بقى دكتورة نهال .. لو اتكلمت عنها مهما اتكلمت مش هوفيها حقها في الاخلاص والتفاني والتواجد والاحساس بينا .. والشطارة والخب والاحتواء وكل حاجة حلوة .. بجد ربنا يباركلك ويجعل اثرك في حياتي في ميزان حسانتك.. وحياة ولادي لانهم اتعلموا حاجات جديدة بالمشاهدة وكمان بقيت اهدى معاهم لما بقت صحتي ونفسيتي وشكلي ونومي احسن الحمد لله ♥️
بحبك يا اجمل و اشطر نيهال في المجرة 😍😍🫶🏻
1 month ago
برنامج راائع بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى! اكتر شي يميز البرنامج عن غيره، هو انه يهدف ان المشترك يسير عنده وعي بجمسه و يفهم ايش بيحصل لمن ناكل اكل محدد و نلتزم باسلوب الحياة الصحي و اضافة على ذلك المتابعة الاسبوعية مع الدكتورة الرائعة 😍😍 I highly recommend this program! Start today you’ll thank yourself later
1 month ago
Thank you Dr Nehal for your usual support, time, non stop advices, care
& love throughout this program , I’m lucky to start this fruitful journey with you, isA will continue together in your next courses
Love you so much
شكرا من هنا لبكرة🫶🏻
1 month ago
فعلا نظام الدايت كان جميل اوى ومفيش فى حرمان وطبعا شكرا انك يا دكتور كنتى بتهتمى بمشاكل جسمى كله مش نظام عذائى بس بلعكس كنت بتساعدينى فى اى شكوى عشان صحتى تبقى احسن وطبعا السايت كان مليان معلومات مفيده جدا جدا
1 month ago
This course is way beyond a diet plan ...I consider it a journey towards the healthy version of oneself.
I learned that being healthy is way beyond the number on the scale.
Dr Nihal is such an excellent listner providing all what it takes to ensure the success of the journey. Thank you is not enough..looking forward for the next course💪
1 month ago
الصراحة من بعد عناء طويل في عالم الرجيمات ...و كل حاجة متعلقة بالدايت عندي مرتبطة بالحرمان والتعب ...عرفت الدكتورة عن طريق الاستقرام و الحين صارلي سنة معاها ...من أجمل و أحلى الناس و أعلم الناس ..فعلا تعلمنا كيف ناكل وأسباب السمنه و كل شي مرتبط بالدايت اول مره ادخل برنامج غني و فريد بالمعلومات و متابعة الدكتورة و عطاءها و صبرها من احلى التجارب في حياتي...و انا معاها على ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸طول بإذن الله
1 month ago
What a supportive and inspirational woman!Special thanks to Dr Nehal for all her efforts and all she has already done, it was a delight working with her♥️♥️Her knowledge, sensible and facts-based methods has truly helped me gain a better understanding of what I need to do on a daily basis to live a healthier and happier lifestyle in a realistic manner and I learned how small, incremental changes can lead to big results which now I am living a live proof of it! She kept me motivated even when it felt so difficult to keep going by her support and compassion she has provided, that have been a huge factor in my success.
Recommend 100%, if you’re questioning it, go for it! I wish I could give more than 5 stars because she deserves it! 
Love you Dr.Nehal
You really change my lifestyle
Change my mind
Learn me how to control my appetite
I am so thankful ❤️
2 months ago
I had a great experience with Dr. Nehal, loved the meal plans, recipes, continuous follow ups and instructions.
I also greatly appreciated the online course and found it to be very informative and helpful! Would definitely recommend her to my friends and family!
1 month ago
الموقع عبارة عن كنز من المعلومات موسوعة مبسطة بتعرفنا على جسمنا بحب
تفاصيل مواكبة لاحسن المواقع الاجنبية
والمتابعة مع دكتورة نهال احسن قرار اخدته لصحتي لجسمي و mentally
بتحترم التفاصيل وبتاخد وقتها في المكالمة وتشجيع
مع "قليل من " الشدة اللطيفة
امس كان يوم مهم بالنسبة لرياضتي
كنت عشان الفتاق ما اقدر اشيل حديد اكتر من 1Kg or 1.5
مع الاستمرارية في تمارين المقاومة وتمارين الانفصال العضلي والفتاق من ديسمبر وجات ايام on & off بس مش باطول ارجع اتوازن بسرعة ازبط اكلي ارجع للتمرين
امس عملت تمرين ب 2.5 وبعض التمارين 4Kg
ممكن يكون الوزن سخيف بس بالنسبة لصحتي دا انجاز استغربت ان بطني مش بتألمني بعد 4K
اليوم باقيس النفصال العضلي من 5 اصابع في ديسمبر اليوم اصباعين بس عند الصرة وupper ab و lower قفل 😭😭😭
التهابات المفاصل تحسنت بشكل كبير وسرت اقدر اعمل سكوات ولنج رغم وزني فوق المية
شكرا دكتورة نهال
حقيقي في نتايج غير الميزان